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China Top 10 Reverse clamp Potential Enterprises

January 23, 2024
In the automotive industry, the emergence of the "Reverse clamp" has disrupted traditional manufacturing processes. This innovative device enables mechanics to effortlessly remove tightly sealed parts, reducing repair time and costs. However, established manufacturers are struggling to adapt, as their outdated equipment and procedures hinder the integration of this game-changing tool.

Tencent Holdings

Establishment time : November 11, 1998

website :

Main Product : Internet services and products, social media platforms, online gaming, digital content, payment systems, artificial intelligence, cloud services, and more.

Company Profile

Tencent Holdings is a leading Chinese multinational conglomerate that specializes in various internet-related services and products. It is known for its flagship social media platform WeChat, which has over a billion monthly active users. Tencent is also a major player in the online gaming industry, with popular titles like Honor of Kings and PUBG Mobile. Additionally, the company has diversified into areas such as e-commerce, digital payments, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. With its extensive product portfolio and strong market position, Tencent continues to be a dominant force in the global tech industry.

Alibaba Group

Establishment time : Alibaba Group was established on April 4, 1999.

website :

Main Product : The main products offered by Alibaba Group include e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, cloud computing services, digital media, and entertainment.

Company Profile

Alibaba Group is a multinational conglomerate specializing in various internet-based businesses, including e-commerce, technology, and digital services.

Huawei Technologies

Establishment time : Huawei Technologies was established on September 15, 1987.

website :

Main Product : Huawei's main products include smartphones, telecommunications equipment, network solutions, and cloud services.

Company Profile

Huawei Technologies is a global telecommunications and technology company headquartered in Shenzhen, China. It is known for its innovative products and solutions in the fields of telecommunications, networking, and consumer electronics.

Xiaomi Corporation

Establishment time : Xiaomi Corporation was established on April 6, 2010.

website :

Main Product : Xiaomi's main products include smartphones, smart home devices, laptops, and other consumer electronics.

Company Profile

Xiaomi Corporation is a leading global technology company that focuses on providing innovative and affordable products to consumers.

Establishment time : was established on June 18, 1998.

website :

Main Product :'s main products include electronics, apparel, home appliances, and more.

Company Profile is a technology-driven company that aims to provide a seamless online shopping experience to its customers.


Establishment time : Baidu was established on January 1, 2000.

website :

Main Product : Baidu's main products include search engines, online advertising platforms, cloud services, and AI technologies.

Company Profile

Baidu is a leading Chinese technology company that specializes in internet-related services and AI technologies. It offers a wide range of products and services, including search engines, advertising platforms, cloud services, and autonomous driving technologies. Baidu primarily operates in the Chinese market and faces competition from both domestic and international players.


Establishment time : 2009

website :

Main Product : Jack Stand,Farm Jack,Tool Box,Car Creeper,Tool Trolley,Hand Tools

Company Profile

Wuqiang Hongma tools manufacture co.,ltd was founded in 2001 bu Mr.zhang wancang .Since the beginning Hongma focus on the producing of car rapair tools . We offered our service to more than 3000customers and several countries .


Establishment time : April 2010

website :

Main Product : Online-to-offline (O2O) services including food delivery, hotel booking, movie ticketing, and more.

Company Profile

Meituan-Dianping is a leading Chinese O2O platform that offers a wide range of services to consumers, connecting them with local businesses. With a strong focus on convenience and efficiency, the company has become one of the largest online service providers in China, catering to the needs of millions of users.


Establishment time : Bytedance's 2009

website :

Main Product : TikTok, Douyin, Toutiao, Helo, Vigo Video, Xigua Video, TopBuzz, News Republic, BaBe

Company Profile

Bytedance is a multinational internet technology company headquartered in Beijing, China. It is known for its popular social media platforms like TikTok and Douyin, as well as its news aggregator app Toutiao. Bytedance has rapidly expanded its presence globally and has become one of the world's most valuable startups.

Didi Chuxing

Establishment time : Didi Chuxing was established on June 1, 2012.

website :

Main Product : Didi Chuxing's main products include ride-hailing services, bike-sharing services, and food delivery services.

Company Profile

Didi Chuxing is a technology company that provides various mobility services to customers, aiming to improve transportation efficiency and convenience.


Establishment time : Kuaishou was established on March 24, 2011.

website :

Main Product : Kuaishou's main products include the Kuaishou app and the Kuaishou Live platform.

Company Profile

Kuaishou is a leading short video platform in China, allowing users to create, share, and discover videos.
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